Sunday, March 2, 2008

Prologue! Blogs can't have prologues, can they?

Leader: Alright who called this meeting…somebody…nobody? , Groans, all around, I guess it’s canceled then.

Lazy guy: Oh c’mon, we just got here. I cannot get up again so soon. Let’s just stay and have the damn meeting.

Depressed guy: It’s dark and gloomy outside anyways. Let’s just do this. Affirmative grunting and nodding all around.

Leader: Well seems like we are staying. So what was the agenda…the message says… discuss blogging. The writer! that’s who is missing. He is one who called this, didn’t he.

Some random guy (SRG): I think the exhibitionist also involved. He is missing too.

SRG: Isn’t this blogging like a diary.

Social psychologist: No, it’s quite the opposite actually. Diaries were personal, all about secrets. It was representative of a world where kings, dictators and big families in small houses were the norm. Diary was an expression for privacy. Now that privacy is the norm, we want to become public.

Conspiracy guy: It’s all bull shit man. There is no privacy. You think the big brother’s not watching you.

Sp: But see, it’s only the perceived privacy that matters and …

Conspiracy guy:Oh cut the crap. Haven’t you seen that black spot near the ear.

You mean the mole.

Mole, is that what you think it is. It’s a chip man. It’s implanted right into the brain. It reads the brain waves man.

Leader: All right enough nonsense. All in favor say aye. Collective grunting, indicating a majority of ayes. Good work then, let’s move on.

Discussion freak: Hold on there. That’s it? We need to talk about this, collective grunting again, not sure for or against, I mean this blog will represent us all. It might become the one face for all us personalities.

But we already have a face.

Oh c’mon! Not that; you know what I mean.

I think he is right. We all should have a say. We have a say… We have a say… Suddenly everybody is energized, shouting we have a say.

Alright, alright, we all have a say.

So you mean even, let’s say, the liver can just chime in.

Sure why not.

Hang on, I thought this was just for the abstract personalities, not real parts.

Collective parts: No, no, we also have a say.

Ah how does it matter, let them.

So even the big toe can just randomly pop in.

Only if he is the longest one.

Oh c’mon, this is discrimination against the longitudinally challenged. I will say what I have to say.

Writer and the exhibitionist come running. Sorry we are late. Thank you for waiting.

Sorry boys, we have already decided. Either we all contribute or nobody does.

Writer: What do you mean? That’s just crazy. It’s chaotic.

All or nothing. Choose your pick. I can give you some priority, but that is as much.

But what happens if we are schizophrenic.

We are not schizophrenic. We all know each other.

But how would you know you didn’t know somebody if you didn’t know their existence. If you allow everybody, they could sneak in.

Hush, quit blabbering. This is the final deal. That’s it for now. Starting tomorrow, there will be a typist available in the nights, people can pop in and say what they want. Capeesh. Good.